Angel investing

Angel Investing

As an angel investor (which I'm generally less focussed on these days, as other things are absorbing most of my energy), I'm most interested in great teams running high-growth-potential companies based on disruptive technologies backed by defensible intellectual property, in the areas of cloud infrastructure; cloud security; software security; network security; mobile security; mobile enterprise apps; AI; IoT; and IaaS, PaaS and SaaS generally.

In other words, I prefer to invest in companies which hope to succeed through a combination of unique (and defensible) technology, effective business model, and exceptional execution.  I'm much less interested in pure execution plays, but a sufficiently unique (and hard to replicate) business model may catch my attention.

I also have a preference for enterprise (vs. consumer) oriented businesses.

Board roles

I take on a limited number of Board roles and (rarely) advisory roles, generally within the same sectors and parameters as above.

Feel free to get in touch if you have something you believe may be of interest to me.

Venture Investing

CC Stratus is focused on investments in cloud computing, cloud security, mobile technology, Internet of Things, and enterprise social technology, specifically on companies with products in these sectors that have gained significant market traction in their home markets and are a good fit for current market dynamics and demand in China.  We make direct investments to accelerate China market entry, we work to find significant government incentives for our companies (in the form of cash, subsidized real estate, tax waivers, etc.), and we operate a network of Market Entry Accelerators in China to speed market entry and drive rapid growth.  For anything related to CC Stratus, including how to contact us, please see